50th Anniversary
Alumni engagement: Celebrating together
From reunions to dinner receptions, many members of our valued alumni network are reuniting across the world throughout 2017 to celebrate our golden anniversary.
Alumni Reception: Japan This informal alumni meeting will be taking place with Cranfield School of Management’s Professor Richard Wilding OBE, Professor of Supply Chain Strategy. March Alumni Reception: New Zealand Another alumni reception to look forward to this year will be taking place in New Zealand and hosted by Cranfield MBA alumnus David Thompson. March MBA Alumni Reunion: London Our MBA alumni reunion for recent graduates will include a special anniversary theme this year and will be an opportunity for delegates to reflect on their time during and after Cranfield. May Alumni Reception: Zambia Colin Hudson, Director of Executive Degree Programmes at Cranfield School of Management, will be hosting an anniversary alumni reception in Zambia during this year’s MBA International Business Excursion. June SoM Alumni Reunion: Cranfield Our School of Management alumni reunion, which also features a special anniversary theme this year, is a chance to bring together members of our MBA, DBA and MSc alumni community. October
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