Procurement and Supply Chain Management MSc Brochure

Modules Compulsory modules are foundational courses that all students are required to take. Elective modules offer students the flexibility to tailor their education according to their interests and career goals.

Executive Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc

Executive Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc (Online)

Procurement and Supply Chain Management MSc

Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc

Big Data Analytics for Supply Chain Management

Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective

Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective

Business Process Outsourcing

Circular Supply Chains

Designing and Managing Resilient Supply Chains

Future of Digital Procurement

Humanitarian Logistics Logistics Outsourcing

Performance Measurement in the Supply Chain Planning and Resourcing Road Freight Transport

Retail Logistics

Sales and Operations Planning

Simulation Six Sigma

Social Network Analysis in a Supply Chain Context

Supply Chain Strategy and Sustainability Information Systems and eBusiness

*Compulsory *Complusory Compulsory Compulsory *Compulsory *Complusory Compulsory Compulsory *Compulsory *Complusory Compulsory Compulsory *Compulsory *Complusory Compulsory Compulsory *Compulsory *Complusory Compulsory Compulsory

Analytical Techniques for Supply Chain Management

Inventory and Operations Management Principles of Strategic Procurement

Freight Transport *Compulsory *Complusory Compulsory Compulsory Accounting and Finance for Supply Chain Management *Compulsory *Complusory Compulsory Compulsory Negotiation and Contract Management Compulsory Physical Network Design *Compulsory *Complusory Compulsory Supplier Selection and Evaluation Compulsory Warehousing *Compulsory *Complusory Compulsory Project Management Introduction *Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Research Methods Compulsory Compulsory Thesis Compulsory Compulsory Applied Organisational Behaviour *Compulsory *Complusory Strategic Management *Compulsory *Complusory Thesis (Apprentice) *Compulsory *Complusory Evidence-Based Management *Compulsory *Complusory SLA + MSc Introduction *Compulsory *Complusory SoM MSc Induction Week * = The order of compulsory module delivery is subject to change based on the availability of module leads and other academic scheduling considerations. The compulsory and (where applicable) elective modules offered for the 2024-25 academic year are shown to give you an indication of the current course content. To keep our courses relevant and up-to-date, relevant and for practical purposes, modules may be subject to change from cohort to cohort; please check our website for the latest information.

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