Aerospace capabilities
n P roduction by Sorbent am R eforming (HyPER) oducing up to 700 kg/day of clean H 2.
D igital A viation R esearch and Te chnology C entre (DARTeC) Research into SAF and H 2 refuelling of aircraft, facilities, fuel certification and fuel cell apron vehicles.
AF storage on field fuel farm ming soon).
Ground operations laboratory to simulate airside operations for aircraft turnaround and maintenance, repair and operation.
H 2 fuel cell vehicle test track
Advanced gas turbine thermal management rig
LH 2 fuel system demonstrator,
systems integration and ultra-low NOx H 2 combustion
g/day green rogen trolyser
Anaerobic digestion feedstocks for H 2 and SAF production
For more information, please contact: Jon Horsley, Transport Systems Development Manager E:
aerospace and road vehicles.
Aerospace capabilities 33
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