Aircraft electrification
The relationship between aviation and the environment is one of the key challenges facing developed societies.
Major reductions in carbon emissions are required to meet environmental targets. Aviation emissions are increasing by around 5% a year and the EU’s Flightpath 2050 programme calls for a 75% reduction in carbon emissions per passenger kilometre by #KTETCHV GNGEVTKƓECVKQP KU C PGEGUUCT[ step towards achieving those goals and tackling climate change. As the only university in Europe with its own airport, aircraft DQG DLU QDYLJDWLRQ VHUYLFH SURYLGHU &UDQͤHOG RIIHUV D XQLTXH spectrum of relevant capabilities, expertise and facilities for WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI DLUFUDIW HOHFWULͤFDWLRQ DQG WKH DYLDWLRQ ecosystem. This includes the relevant approvals to design, EXLOG DQG ͥ\ D ZKROH QHZ DLUFUDIW FRQFHSW 7KLV LV LQWHJUDO to achieving urban air mobility. &KDOOHQJHV LQ HOHFWULͤFDWLRQ LQFOXGH WKHUPDO
management, systems design for integration into the airframe, battery management, power-to-weight ratios, WHVWLQJ UHOLDELOLW\ DQG FHUWLͤFDWLRQ RI new aircraft technology. $LUFUDIW HOHFWULͤFDWLRQ ZLOO QRW succeed without parallel development in airport infrastructure, power supply and distribution, and assessment of the
LPSDFW RI DYLDWLRQ RQ WKH HQYLURQPHQW :LWK &UDQͤHOG̵V JOREDO research airport and airside solar power farm, our £67 million Digital Aviation Research and Technology Centre (DARTeC), and our fully instrumented autonomous vehicle test road (MUEAVI) alongside the airport perimeter, we provide a testbed for this transformative future technology. Professor Helen Atkinson CBE FREng Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Above: Cross sectional drawing of a hybrid-electric aircraft. Cover: Turbo-electric airliner.
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