Aircraft electrification
Unmanned #GTKCN 5[UVGOU 7#5 VGEJPQNQI[ 1WT TGUGCTEJ UJQYU VJCV CTVKƓEKCN KPVGNNKIGPEG DCUGF EQPVTQN UVTCVGIKGU HQT 7#5 power management reduce fuel consumption HQT FGUKIPGF ƔKIJV OKUUKQPU (OHFWULͤFDWLRQ V\VWHPV DUFKLWHFWXUHV KDYH EHHQ GHYHORSHG WKDW OHDG WR RSWLPDO WUDGH RII EHWZHHQ IXHO FRQVXPSWLRQ DQG ͥLJKW duration, from conceptual design which balances propulsion HQHUJ\ WKDW HDFK HQHUJ\ VRXUFH FDQ PDNH WR GHVLJQ YDOLGDWLRQ XVLQJ KDUGZDUH LQ WKH ORRS DQG ͥ\LQJ WHVWV 7KH 1DWLRQDO %H\RQG 9LVXDO /LQH RI 6LJKW ([SHULPHQWDWLRQ &RUULGRU 1%(& SURYLGHV LQGXVWU\ DQG DFDGHPLD ZLWK D XQLTXH NP GHYHORSPHQW IDFLOLW\ WR KHOS VROYH WKH FKDOOHQJHV WKDW ORZ DOWLWXGH XQVHJUHJDWHG DXWRQRPRXV DQG HOHFWULF ͥLJKW presents. Our specialisms include: • DUWLͤFLDO LQWHOOLJHQFH EDVHG HTXLYDOHQW FRQVXPSWLRQ minimisation strategies, • systems integration, • sizing of hybrid-electric propulsion systems, • design of hybrid fuel cell and battery propulsion systems for long endurance small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), • thermoelectric power generation for UAV applications. Persistent green autonomous air vehicles :H KDYH ZRUNHG RQ YDULRXV SURMHFWV WR SURYLGH KLJK HͦFLHQF\ SRZHU SODQWV IRU 8$6 WR H[WHQG RSHUDWLRQDO WLPHV DQG SD\ORDGV decreasing costs and increasing productivity. We have developed a hybrid-electric propulsion system that is recharged by an internal combustion engine, and other methods to sustain battery charge levels and improve safety by guaranteeing that aircraft can land using remaining electrical energy if the engine fails. We are also researching fuel cells to potentially bridge the transition between battery-powered and internal combustion engine-powered UAVs.
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