Building resilience and capability: Shaping the future of Morgan Sindall Construction
Unlike the other learning programmes we do at Cranfield, hothouse is one where the process really starts once it has ended. We come up with the problems that they want to solve. It is then for the business to convert those into solutions, test those solutions, and make them value propositions. Following the Innovation Hothouse, participants were invited to be part of an internal programme of work – Shaping our Future – to delve further into each of the identified strategic priority areas and come up with recommendations for actions the business could take. Hothouse outcomes unanimous agreement on what it is that we have to solve. Having that then enables an organisation to come up with a common solution or variety of solutions very quickly and agree on those. About innovation You can’t really teach innovation – you have to implement it. Innovation is a process, and it needs to happen internally – it’s not something I can apply from outside their organisation. We spend 80% of our time identifying, understanding and coming to
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