Building resilience and capability: Shaping the future of Morgan Sindall Construction

Case study

Gerallt Evans Area Commercial Director Cardiff/Bristol Time with business: 6 years, 8 months

I was put forward for the Senior Business Leaders Programme by our regional director. Having now completed the 12-month programme, I feel privileged to have been selected. I went into it keen to gain maximum benefit, both from the company perspective and for myself – and I definitely think I’m doing that . I’ve been on a lot of management courses in the past but the learning on economics, finance and stakeholder mapping was at a higher level than anything I had done before. The tutors were really engaging and I found it incredibly interesting. I’ve been sharing what I’m learning with my team – not so much consciously but naturally in the course of conversations and in initiating some new ways of working. We’ve changed our approach when it comes to our stakeholders, making sure we are drawing on everyone’s strengths in the team to get the information we need and to build relationships. We’re also talking more about why the cash is important. When we have a staff briefing now, I can relate what is happening to our share price so people understand where we are in the market, and I can answer any questions they have about what is happening and why. Taking part in the programme has given me a wider perspective. It has helped me understand how the business works, how the work I do affects the business, and why I might be asked to do something or answer a particular question by someone else in the company. I’ve also established valuable relationships which – not to take anything away from the course itself, which has been brilliant – I think is almost equally important. Everyone on the programme is in a similar position in the company, dealing with similar issues and quite like-minded.


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