Cranfield Executive Development
Consultancy and custom solutions
Business simulations
Simulations: Learn through leading a fictional organisation.
W ith you, we configure and deliver a tech-enabled, simulated learning experience that will: • Increase rate of learning transfer, driving on-job performance, • Maximise returns for your people and organisation, • Decrease risk of spending budget on costly, zero-value based learning, • Each experience is founded on key value-principles that are aligned to today’s business reality: winning, improvement, problem solving, making change happen, achieving transformation.
How it works
Our business simulations will allow your people to take control of a fictional organisation. They learn and practice in a safe, risk free environment, sensitising them to potential and real-world situations they may face. Every simulation mimics real life situations that reflect the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world we live in. Learners are challenged by simulation changes which reflect the VUCA nature of business markets. Our simulations accurately replicate how: • Areas of a business interact with each other, • The decisions of an individual organisation will impact on the market, • The decisions taken by individual organisations competing in the same market will impact on each other’s success.
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