Cranfield University – The Technician Commitment

The Technician Commitment

The Technician Commitment is a university and research institution initiative, led by a steering group of sector bodies, with support from the Science Council and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Technicians Make It Happen campaign. The Commitment aims to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians working in higher education and research, across all disciplines. Universities and research institutes are invited to become signatories of the Technician Commitment and pledge action against the key challenges affecting their technical staff. Cranfield University was a founding signatory of the Technician Commitment and have pledged their support to our technicians through the formulation of a two-year action plan which has been signed by the Vice Chancellor and submitted to the Science Council. On 28 September, the Vice-Chancellor officially launched the Technicians Commitment at an event open to all staff. The event included: • An opening by the Vice-Chancellor • An introduction to the Technicians Commitment and ‘Technicians Make it Happen’ campaign by Kelly Vere from the Science Council who is spearheading the campaign • An overview of the action plan from the Cranfield Technician Commitment Working Group. We’ve collated the pledge cards that were signed at the event into this book.

Find out more about the University’s commitment to support and develop Technical staff at our intranet page: technical.aspx


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