Developing Leadership Practice Brochure


Module two

Application at work, e-learning coaching webinar (two months) The application module involves using the techniques learned from module one back in your organisation to enrich your understanding of how these work in practice. During this period, you’ll have e-learning interactions and webinars with Cranfield and your peers, including: • Coaching webinar on progress, • Self-paced online learning: • Team and trust, • Influencing for performance, • Influencing upwards, • Power platforms. • Cultural webinar: • Cultural audit, • Sharing the highs and lows, • Exploring differences. • Leadership practice journal.

Discovery and insights - review (two-day residential) Building on the two previous modules, this two-day session adds practical understanding of how to influence cultural drivers and achieve even greater organisational performance.

You’ll explore the following topics: • Check-in and emergent issues, • Building a performance culture, • Personal values at work, • Influencing upwards and across, • Boundaries, • Power and politics, • Having difficult conversations, • Planning your leadership practice.

+44(0)1234 754500



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