Executive DBA brochure

A life-changing experience Studying for an Executive DBA at Cranfield is an important turning point in many people's lives, both personally and professionally. Graduates tell us that their Cranfield experience resulted in a significant shift in their approach in the workplace, to one that is more rigorous and evidence-based. The personal development element of the Executive DBA is designed to provide you with a range of transferable personal and professional skills as a basis for continuing professional development. The Executive DBA provides a rich developmental experience; the many skills that you acquire, or in many cases build on, will clearly differentiate you from others and are seamlessly transferable to, ongoing business situations. Personal motivators The decision to embark on a DBA can be for a variety of personal reasons, for example: • The desire for intellectual stimulation, • A belief that a DBA will enhance your career, • Recognition that accepted wisdom is not sufficient for effectively dealing with work challenges, • Enjoyment of lifelong learning, • Fulfilling a lifelong aspiration to research something in depth. Most people expect the experience to have a personal impact on them and their careers, in addition to contributing to practise knowledge that can be used widely. The personal development aspect of the DBA provides you with a structured approach to help you reflect on and make sense of this more personal impact. By reflecting on these aspects in a systematic way, you will be better able to harness the personal learning which is inherent to the programme. More than a degree with the Cranfield Enhance programme Cranfield graduates are valued for their distinctive skills and capabilities. We have developed these programmes to complement and enhance what you learn on your chosen qualification. On the Cranfield Enhance programme, you will be able to earn ‘digital badges’ in areas such as Employability, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Outreach to showcase your new skills to prospective employers. Read more at www.cranfield.ac.uk/enhance

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