General Management Portfolio

General Management Portfolio

Our distinctive approach to leadership development for those in or approaching general management roles combines breadth of business knowledge with depth of personal insight. Each of our three programmes offer a comprehensive and integrated personal development experience for managers at critical transition points in their leadership career. This substantial development not only enables new levels of personal and business effectiveness in the short term, but also creates the capability for sustained development into the future. Comprehensive leadership development to take your career to the next level

Each programme cultivates: • An external perspective on functions, business and industries that stimulates new thinking. • A general management perspective that enables cross-business collaboration. • A personal perspective which balances managerial accountability for current performance with leadership responsibility for future direction, development and performance. • Strategic frameworks and tools that enable and prompt strategic insight. • Understanding of top-down and bottom-up change, how to lead and how to deliver it. • A mindset that accepts the conflicts and challenges of complex and changing organisational and business circumstances as the new normal. • A plan to accelerate personal growth and drive change in the business. • A personal inventory of leadership capabilities, delivered in partnership with MU, a pioneer in the predictive assessment of people.

Developing leaders at all levels who:

• Understand where and how to focus time and attention to add greatest value. • Approach organisational conflict, politics and relationships constructively. • Build high performance executive, management, functional, project, matrix and virtual teams. • Cultivate organisational cultures which enable strategy, change and agility. • Develop people and nurture talent. • Engage and empower others. +44 (0)1234 754500


Developing leadership capabilities with practical impact We maximise the value to individual managers and their organisations by ensuring that all sessions have practical relevance and application, interspersed with one-to-one reflective discussion. Realistic and robust action planning coupled with both peer-to-peer and professional coaching throughout the programme (between 9 and 12 months) takes account of each participant’s specific organisational and personal context. It supports managers as they use their new leadership capabilities and position to add much greater value to the organisation. Small cohort sizes and a diverse mix of participants on these programmes ensures interactive classroom sessions, breadth of perspective, stimulating discussions and excellent networking opportunities outside of your business and industry. Introduction to the general management programmes

Typical programme structure

Personal development

Month one

Month two

Month three

Review day one Review day two

MU coaching session

MU coaching session

MU coaching session

Module one Approx. 8 hours

Module two Five day residential

Module three Five day residential

9 or 12 month continuing development review day - online Approx. 2/3 hours

Six month progress review day face-to-face One day

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Breakthrough Leadership Programme

Get the Cranfield breakthrough advantage

Who is this for Executives who: • Are on a growth trajectory preparing them for the future, • Have recently been promoted into a director role, • Are being asked to lead and manage a larger business unit.

Peter Thornton, Programme Director

Fees and dates This programme runs twice a year. For up-to-date fees and dates, please visit the website.

What you will learn Senior managers develop key strategic leadership capabilities. • Know how to bring your organisation together and lead through ambiguity. • Acquire modern strategies and thinking enabling you to ignite change, transform and transition your business. • The ability to successfully set new direction, lead innovation and deliver strategic initiatives. • A greater understanding of who you are, where you are and your purpose in business and life.

Programme duration Run over 12 months including three modules and two progress review days. Module one – online introduction and coaching with MU. Module two – five day residential on ‘The realities of business leadership’. Module three – five day residential on ‘Developing future thinking and realising personal capability’.

Face-to-face six month progress review day.

Online 12 month continuing development review day. +44 (0)1234 754500


“Brilliant delivery, I really liked Cliff’s* direct approach and how he challenged my responses and pushed me to think further into each topic. [The programme is] a fantastic, practical approach to the generic term of ‘strategic thinking’, [you are] constantly prompted to apply this to your own workplace.” Chris Sowerby, Head of Finance, GL Education Group (attended Breakthrough Leadership Programme)

*Professor Cliff Bowman is a faculty contributor and Chair in Strategic Management. +44 (0)1234 754500


General Management Programme

Equipping you to lead and manage in the future world of work

Who is this for Senior managers who: • Are increasingly working across teams or complex projects, • Need to develop a wider business perspective to lead organisational innovation, • Are moving from functional, specialist or technical positions into generalist manager roles. Fees and dates This programme runs twice a year. For up-to-date fees and dates, please visit the website.

Paula Broadbent, Programme Director

What you will learn New ways of looking at problems and becoming more demanding and ambitious about what is possible. • Gain greater clarity on the strategic issues faced by your organisation’s key business functions and how you master cross-functional business leadership. • Acquire the knowledge, skills and confidence to add real value to your organisation. • Discover how to inspire and influence change beyond your area of expertise. • Enhance your ability to successfully future proof your leadership capability by taking a step back to look at your models of practice and open up new ways of thinking, being and doing. • Positively identify and implement an effective plan to instil and lead behavioural and strategic change across your organisation.

Programme duration Run over nine months including three modules and two progress review days. Module one – online introduction and coaching with MU. Module two – five day residential on ‘Mastering cross-functional business leadership’. Module three – five day residential on ‘Balancing the implementation of business challenges and personal leadership prowess’.

Face-to-face six month progress review day.

Online nine month continuing development review day.

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“It’s been a really good mix of content and practical application. The standout moment is the unspoken element of meeting new people from diverse backgrounds who bring a lot of experience and different leadership styles. That’s been hugely valuable to help me to contextualise the learnings. I think the co-coaching has been exceptional.” Baljinder Joshi, Finance Director EMEA, VMWare (attended General Management Programme)

Talent Development Programme

Professional development and personal growth to accelerate your career

Who is this for Early career professionals with high managerial potential seeking to: • Develop their management perspective and leadership capabilities, • Develop the ability to influence without formal authority, • Manage with competence and lead with purpose.

Philippa Thurgur, Programme Director

Fees and dates This programme runs twice a year. For up-to-date fees and dates, please visit the website.

What you will learn The programme combines key managerial knowledge with personal leadership development, to accelerate leadership contribution. • Gain a clearer strategic understanding and a wider view of the management perspective. • Broaden your business expertise and develop your leadership capabilities. • Develop greater confidence and competence to work outside your comfort zone, enabling you to make a substantive contribution across your organisation. • Maximise your potential to enable you to transition to the next level.

Programme duration Run over 12 months including three modules and two progress review days. Module one – online introduction and coaching with MU. Module two – five day residential on ‘Awareness and development of business leadership skills’. Module three – five day residential on ‘Awareness and development of organisational and interpersonal leadership skills’.

Face-to-face six month progress review day.

Online 12 month continuing development review day.

10 +44 (0)1234 754500

“I can’t overemphasise how important it’s been for my career. I very quickly, within a year of joining my current business, was promoted to the role of General Manager to run the business. I’m completely sure that would not have happened, were it not for the skill set that I was able to develop at Cranfield and the fact that I actually took the time to implement the skills and techniques that I learned at Cranfield in my business.” Craig Moffat, General Manager at British Pullman, a Belmond Train (attended Talent Development Programme)

To book contact: Cranfield Executive Development team Tel: +44 (0)1234 754500 Email:

For more information visit:

Learning and courses for the decade ahead. Our business development team is waiting to talk to you. T: +44 (0)1234 754500


The solution described in this document is provide by Cranfield Management Development Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cranfield University.

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Version 1. June 2022.

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