General Management Portfolio

Talent Development Programme

Professional development and personal growth to accelerate your career

Who is this for Early career professionals with high managerial potential seeking to: • Develop their management perspective and leadership capabilities, • Develop the ability to influence without formal authority, • Manage with competence and lead with purpose.

Philippa Thurgur, Programme Director

Fees and dates This programme runs twice a year. For up-to-date fees and dates, please visit the website.

What you will learn The programme combines key managerial knowledge with personal leadership development, to accelerate leadership contribution. • Gain a clearer strategic understanding and a wider view of the management perspective. • Broaden your business expertise and develop your leadership capabilities. • Develop greater confidence and competence to work outside your comfort zone, enabling you to make a substantive contribution across your organisation. • Maximise your potential to enable you to transition to the next level.

Programme duration Run over 12 months including three modules and two progress review days. Module one – online introduction and coaching with MU. Module two – five day residential on ‘Awareness and development of business leadership skills’. Module three – five day residential on ‘Awareness and development of organisational and interpersonal leadership skills’.

Face-to-face six month progress review day.

Online 12 month continuing development review day.

10 +44 (0)1234 754500

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