General Management Portfolio


Breakthrough Leadership Programme

Get the Cranfield breakthrough advantage

Who is this for Executives who: • Are on a growth trajectory preparing them for the future, • Have recently been promoted into a director role, • Are being asked to lead and manage a larger business unit.

Peter Thornton, Programme Director

Fees and dates This programme runs twice a year. For up-to-date fees and dates, please visit the website.

What you will learn Senior managers develop key strategic leadership capabilities. • Know how to bring your organisation together and lead through ambiguity. • Acquire modern strategies and thinking enabling you to ignite change, transform and transition your business. • The ability to successfully set new direction, lead innovation and deliver strategic initiatives. • A greater understanding of who you are, where you are and your purpose in business and life.

Programme duration Run over 12 months including three modules and two progress review days. Module one – online introduction and coaching with MU. Module two – five day residential on ‘The realities of business leadership’. Module three – five day residential on ‘Developing future thinking and realising personal capability’.

Face-to-face six month progress review day.

Online 12 month continuing development review day. +44 (0)1234 754500


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