General Management Portfolio

General Management Programme

Equipping you to lead and manage in the future world of work

Who is this for Senior managers who: • Are increasingly working across teams or complex projects, • Need to develop a wider business perspective to lead organisational innovation, • Are moving from functional, specialist or technical positions into generalist manager roles. Fees and dates This programme runs twice a year. For up-to-date fees and dates, please visit the website.

Paula Broadbent, Programme Director

What you will learn New ways of looking at problems and becoming more demanding and ambitious about what is possible. • Gain greater clarity on the strategic issues faced by your organisation’s key business functions and how you master cross-functional business leadership. • Acquire the knowledge, skills and confidence to add real value to your organisation. • Discover how to inspire and influence change beyond your area of expertise. • Enhance your ability to successfully future proof your leadership capability by taking a step back to look at your models of practice and open up new ways of thinking, being and doing. • Positively identify and implement an effective plan to instil and lead behavioural and strategic change across your organisation.

Programme duration Run over nine months including three modules and two progress review days. Module one – online introduction and coaching with MU. Module two – five day residential on ‘Mastering cross-functional business leadership’. Module three – five day residential on ‘Balancing the implementation of business challenges and personal leadership prowess’.

Face-to-face six month progress review day.

Online nine month continuing development review day.

8 +44 (0)1234 754500

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