High Performance Leadership Brochure

What you will learn The High Performance Leadership programme will develop your mindset by exploring your beliefs and challenging you to appraise how they serve you. Through guided self-reflection you will bring invisible obstacles into focus, and examine how established thoughts and behaviours may be either enhancing or inhibiting your performance. You will: • Develop a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader, where your brilliance lies and where you hold yourself back, • Gain improved agility in your leadership behaviours and practices to meet unplanned challenges, • Be ready to embrace change and uncertainty, and feel comfortable with ambiguity, • Refresh your interpersonal communication skills and attitudes, that lie at the heart of high performance leadership, • Build strong engagement and trust with all your stakeholders through listening and empathy, • Feel more confident and self-assured in your leadership abilities.

“It’s been a rollercoaster of enlightenment, learning and enrichment both professionally and personally. I’ve learned to refine my leadership style, and that’s going to empower my team.” Mark Evans Business Director EMEA, INOLEX GmbH


+44(0)1234 754500



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