MBA Executive (Human Capital)
Course details and structure
This Executive MBA has been designed for middle to senior managers wanting to move into a more senior leadership role and for those on a fast-track career path within their organisation. This programme will accelerate the candidate’s performance in their current role via this skills development programme. The course is delivered in three day blocks once per month (Thursday – Saturday) over the two year period and students will be expected to complete approximately 10-15 hours of self-study each week. This will include a mix of blended learning, group work, coaching and self-study and a work based project agreed by the employer. They will require support from their manager or a mentor as part of the programme.
Year 1 Compulsory modules 160 credits
Year 2 Compulsory and elective modules 80 credits
Leadership and career development activities including optional company-based project or international business assignment
Registration (January/April/September)
Completion (Two years)
240 credits 2400 hours 1 credit = 10 learning hours
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