Management MSc Brochure
Cranfield School of Management Our reputation We are a specialist postgraduate business school located in the heart of the UK. As a world leader in management education, research and consultancy, our mission is to improve the practice of management. Triple accreditation We are one of an elite 1% of business schools to hold the ‘triple crown’ of accreditations, and now hold Small Business Charter recognition for our outstanding student entrepreneurship provision.
5 ,000+ postgraduate students from 100+ countries.
Ranked 4th in the UK and 25th in Europe in the Financial Times European Business School Rankings 2024 . UK Top 5 Business School
80,000 + alumni, from 170+ countries. A network of
As we are postgraduate only, we are not listed in many league tables that help compare undergraduate universities.
What our alumni say “Having studied an exercise science degree, I'd never touched on economics, accounting and finance, strategic management, people management etc. In that sense, the course gave me exactly what I wanted, which was literacy and competence across the key areas of business, broad enough to prepare me for whatever career I chose to pursue, yet focused enough to go beyond the superficial and explore subjects in meaningful, interesting detail. The practical emphasis at Cranfield also gave me tangible business experience, which made the transition into work appear seamless.” Luke Whaymand , Management Consultant, PwC, (Management MSc 2021)
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