Management MSc Brochure

Academic staff Our faculty are renowned in their field, with broad industry experience. They work with operating boards of numerous global businesses, ensuring that their lectures are contemporary and stimulating. They are supported by a team of visiting speakers and professors from around the world.

Dr Oksana Koryak, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Deputy Course Director, Management MSc

Professor Michael Dickmann, Professor of International Human Resource Management and Course Director, Management MSc /mdickmann okoryak

Michael lectures in the areas of international and strategic human resource management. Michael's research focuses on human resource strategies, structures and processes of multinational organisations, international mobility and global careers. Michael is the author/co-editor of several books on international human resource management, global mobility and careers and he is the Senior Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Human Resource Management .

Oksana's research interests centre on decision making and cognition in the field of entrepreneurship as well as on growth, leadership and capability development in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Her work has been published in the Research Policy , the International Small Business Journal , the Journal of Private Equity and the Journal of Enterprise Information Management . Oksana has presented her research at leading academic conferences including the Academy of Management and the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.

Dr Fabian Steinmann, Lecturer in Organisational Resilience and Deputy Course Director, Management MSc fsteinmann

Fabian is a Lecturer in Organisational Resilience and Change at Cranfield School of Management. The focus of Fabian's research is on organisational and network resilience. In 2022, Fabian completed a five-month research exchange at the Global Resilience Institute in Boston (USA). His time in America allowed him to learn more about the US aviation system, compare his research findings against a different system and collaborate with other researchers on resilience.


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