
Cranfield School of Management Cranfield School of Management is a specialist postgraduate business school located in the heart of the UK. We are a world leader in management education, research and consultancy, and our mission is to improve the practice of management. We have a global reputation for developing high-performing leaders in technology and management. Renowned for our strong links with industry, we provide practical management solutions through a range of activities including leadership, finance, marketing and supply chain.


We are one of an elite 1% of business schools to hold all the ‘triple crown’ of accreditations, and even additionally the Small Business Charter accreditation Quadruple accreditation

Management MSc ranked 5th in the UK and 36th in the world in The Economist Which MBA? Masters in Management 2021 ranking.

TOP 10

TOP 10 Finance and Management MSc Ranked 8th in the UK and 44th in the world in the Financial Times Masters in Finance Pre-experience ranking 2022. Business School Teaching Ranked top 10 in the world in the Business School Teaching Power Rankings 2021, compiled for the Financial Times.

Management MSc Ranked 6th in the UK and 28th in the world by QS World University Rankings: Masters in Management Ranking 2022.

5 , 000 postgraduate students from 100+ countries

TOP 10 UK Business School

Ranked top 10 in the UK and 34th in Europe in the Financial Times European Business School Rankings 2021.

A professional network of 75,000 + alumni

As we are postgraduate only, we are not listed in league tables that help compare undergraduate universities, such as The Times World Rankings and The Complete University Guide .

“The content of the course was very interesting, I liked the idea of having the opportunity to write my thesis for a company. I wrote mine for the world's leading risk advisor, and it was about Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risks. After graduation, I joined UBS's Group Internal Consulting team in Zurich. In this role, I drive and support key change initiatives for the firm's business divisions. This is very intellectually stimulating and a great opportunity to work

on different projects across the bank.” Cyril Steinmann, Consultant, UBS Group, (Management MSc 2020)


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