Organisational Report
step in within 15 minutes and contingency budgets that you can give this person, which they are free to distribute, because you can’t wait for headquarters to give approval.” Interestingly, sometimes these are not the obvious leaders of these departments, because in an emergency situation “the established leader may not be the right person.” Infosys takes the same approach with strategy and innovation. If something is not working it asks ‘How quickly can we change KPIs? How quickly can we change leadership and structures without disrupting the momentum of the flow of operations?’ Most companies measure the performance of units and employees on an annual basis. But “who can predict what’s going to happen 12 months from now?” Goals are set for “how the world is today, but if something changes we need to be able to change the goals of 200,000 employees quickly, and realign the whole organization. That is the nirvana state if we can get there – change KPIs in say, a fortnight!” According to Deepak, Infosys “still has a way to go in that, but this is the way we are thinking.”
“Infosys is now moving from a pure services model to a software plus services”
Organizational Resilience | BSI and Cranfield School of Management
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