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Coping with occupational and job demands


Year Authors



Why Entrepreneurs Often Experience Low, Not High, Levels of Stress: The Joint Effects of Selection and Psychological Capital Resilience training in the workplace from 2003 to 2014: A systematic review Danger Zone Entrepreneurs: The Importance of Resilience and Self-Efficacy for Entrepreneurial Intentions Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, anxiety, depression and stress in registered nurses in Australia: Phase 2 results

2016 Baron, Robert A.; Franklin,


Journal Of Management

Rebecca J.; Hmieleski, Keith M.

2015 Robertson, Ivan T.; Cooper,


Journal Of Occupational And Organizational Psychology

Cary L.; Sarkar, Mustafa; Curran, Thomas

2014 Bullough, Amanda; Renko, Maija; Myatt, Tamara


Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice

2014 Drury, Vicki; Craigie, Mark; Francis, Karen; Aoun, Samar; Hegney, Desley G. 2014 Hart, Patricia L.; Brannane, Jane D.; De Chesnay, Mary 2014 Hegney, Desley G.; Craigie, Mark; Hemsworth, David; Osseiran- Moisson, Rebecca; Aoun, Samar; Francis, Karen; Drury, Vicki


Journal Of Nursing Management

Resilience in nurses: an integrative review


Journal Of Nursing Management

Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, anxiety, depression and stress in registered nurses in Australia: study 1 results


Journal Of Nursing Management

The Role of Psychological Capital in Perception of Safety Climate Among Air Traffic Controllers

2013 Bergheim, Kjersti; Eid, Jarle;


Journal Of Leadership And Organizational Studies

Hystad, Sigurd William; Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Mearns, Kathryn; Larsson, Gerry; Luthans, Brett

Entrepreneurial resilience during challenging times

2013 Bullough, Amanda; Renko, Maija


Business Horizons

Meeting the Leadership Challenge of Employee Well- Being Through Relationship PsyCap and Health PsyCap

2013 Luthans, Fred; Youssef, Carolyn M.; Sweetman, David S.; Harms, Peter D.


Journal Of Leadership And Organizational Studies

The added value of the positive: A literature review of positive psychology interventions in organizations

2013 Meyers, M. Christina; van


European Journal Of Work And Organizational Psychology

Woerkom, Marianne; Bakker, Arnold B.

Relationship Quality and Virtuousness: Emotional Carrying Capacity as a Source of Individual and Team Resilience

2013 Stephens, John Paul; Heaphy, Emily D.; Carmeli, Abraham; Spreitzer, Gretchen M.; Dutton, Jane E. 2012 Li, Yan; Chun, Hui; Ashkanasy, Neal M.; Ahlstrom, David


Journal Of Applied Behavioral Science

A multi-level study of emergent group leadership: Effects of emotional stability and group conflict


Asia Pacific Journal Of Management

Organizational Resilience | BSI and Cranfield School of Management


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