Organisational Report

Resilience as a source of survival stategy for high-technology firms experiencing megacompetition

2004 Watanabe, C; Kishioka, M; Nagarnatsu, A Technovation


Information system organizational resilience 2003 Riolli, L; Savicki, V


Omega-International Journal Of Management Science

Articles located through additional searching

Not conducted

Defining and conceptualizing resilience

Articles located through additional searching

Hémond, Y., and Robert, B. (2012). Preparedness: the state of the art and future prospects. Disaster Prevention and Management, 21(4), 404–417. doi:10.1108/09653561211256125 Sawalha, I. H. S. (2015). Managing adversity: understanding some dimensions of organizational resilience. Management Research Review, 38(4), 346–366. doi:10.1108/MRR-01-2014-0010 Aldunce, P., Beilin, R., Handmer, J., and Howden, M. (2014). Framing disaster resilience: The implications of the diverse conceptualisations of “bouncing back.” Disaster Prevention and Management, 23(3), 252–270. doi:10.1108/DPM-07-2013-0130 Sudmeier-Rieux, K. I. (2014). Resilience – an emerging paradigm of danger or of hope? Disaster Prevention and Management, 23(1), 67–80. doi:10.1108/ DPM-12-2012-0143 Mamouni Limnios, E. A., Mazzarol, T., Ghadouani, A., and Schilizzi, S. G. M. (2014). The resilience architecture framework: Four organizational archetypes. European Management Journal, 32(1), 104–116. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2012.11.007 Linnenluecke, M. K. (2015). Resilience in Business and Management Research: A Review of Influential Publications and a Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 00, 1–27. doi:10.1111/ijmr.12076 Seville, E. (2008). Resilience: Great Concept but What Does it Mean? Paper Presented at the US Council of Competitiveness Workshop, Risk and Resilience. Wilmington, USA. November 2008., (November), 10. Retrieved from


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