Organisational Report
The role of positive psychology in enhancing satisfaction, motivation, and productivity in the workplace
2004 Martin, AJ
Journal Of Organizational Behavior Management
How resilience works
2002 Coutu, DL
Harvard Business Review
The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior
2002 Luthans, F
Journal Of Organizational Behavior
Articles located through additional searching
Kossek, E. E., and Perrigino, M. B. (2016). Resilience: A Review Using a Grounded Integrated Occupational Approach. Academy of Management Annals, 10(1), 1–69. doi:10.1080/19416520.2016.1159878 Robertson, I. T., Cooper, C. L., Sarkar, M., and Curran, T. (2015). Resilience training in the workplace from 2003 to 2014: A systematic review. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(3), 533–562. doi:10.1111/joop.12120 Kish-Gephart, J. J., Detert, J. R., Trevi??o, L. K., and Edmondson, A. C. (2009). Silenced by fear:. The nature, sources, and consequences of fear at work. Research in Organizational Behavior, 29, 163–193. doi:10.1016/j.riob.2009.07.002 Robertson, I. T., Cooper, C. L., Sarkar, M., and Curran, T. (2015). Resilience training in the workplace from 2003 to 2014: A systematic review. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(3), 533–562. doi:10.1111/joop.12120
Renewal and strategic agility and crisis as opportunity
Year Authors
What You Can Learn From Family Business
2012 Kachaner, Nicolas; Stalk, George; Bloch, Alain
Harvard Business Review
Super-Flexibility For Real-Time Adaptation: Perspectives From Silicon Valley Capture, Governance, And Resilience: Strategy Implications From The History Of Rome Key Issues For It Executives 2011: Cautious Optimism In Uncertain Economic Times Why learning from failure isn’t easy (and what to do about it): Innovation trauma at Sun Microsystems If at first you don’t succeed: globalized production and organizational learning at the Hyundai Motor Company Toward an Understanding of When Executives See Crisis as Opportunity Dialectics of resilience: a multi-level analysis of a telehealth innovation The rise of the phoenix: methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal
2011 Bahrami, Homa; Evans, Stuart
California Management Review
2011 Carmeli, Abraham; Markman, Gideon D.
Strategic Management Journal
2011 Luftman, Jerry; Ben-Zvi, Tal
Mis Quarterly Executive
2009 Valikangas, Liisa; Hoegl, Martin; Gibbert, Michael 2009 Wright, Christopher; Suh, Chung- Sok; Leggett, Christopher
European Management Journal
Asia Pacific Business Review
2008 Brockner, Joel; James, Erika Hayes Journal Of Applied Behavioral Science
2007 Cho, Sunyoung; Mathiassen, Lars; Robey, Daniel 2007 Wastell, David G.; McMaster, Tom; Kawalek, Peter
Journal Of Information Technology
Journal Of Information Technology
The quest for resilience
2003 Hamel, G; Valikangas, L
Harvard Business Review
Articles located through additional searching
Teixeira, E. de O., and Werther, W. B. (2013). Resilience: Continuous renewal of competitive advantages. Business Horizons, 56(3), 333–342. doi:10.1016/j. bushor.2013.01.009 Sutcliffe, K. M. M. (1994). What executives notice: accurate perceptions in top management teams. Academy of Management Journal, 37(5), 1360–1378. doi:10.2307/256677
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