PTFL materials
Personal Transformation for Leaders: Recommended Reading
True North Bill George (A Wiley Imprint) Discusses the key ingredients of Authentic Leadership using the life stories of mostly well-known leaders. * Easy Read
The Secrets of CEOs Steve Tappin and Andrew Cave (Nicholas Braeley) Insights about Business Leadership today based on interviews with 150 CEO’s; and comments from different professionals such as Ido van der Heijden. *Easy Read
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking Susan Cain (Penguin Books)
Highlights qualities of introversion that are essential to leadership. An affirming read for anybody who has a part of introversion and an insightful read for anybody who knows an introvert. *Easy read
Brain Science:
The Brain that Changes Itself Norman Doidge Stories of the Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
Fascinating summary of research indicating the flexibility of the brain in terms of adapting to different tasks. Addresses the neural implications in areas such as ageing, touch, vision, pain,
sexual attraction and love. *Needs Some Concentration
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