Perspectives Issue 2 / December 2016
Materials available to support you in promoting Cranfield We have a suite of printed and digital materials to help you effectively promote Cranfield to our external audiences. These include: • At a Glance leaflets – providing an introductory overview of Cranfield and our expertise, positioning us as a global university in technology and management • Corporate and theme videos • Corporate presentation – a set of pre-populated PowerPoint slides containing information and figures that can be used to formally introduce Cranfield University • Prospectus • International student guide – for overseas students about life at Cranfield and living in the UK • Course brochures - these group related courses into ‘clusters’ to offer our prospective students information in their areas of interest, presenting a wider choice and introducing cross-selling opportunities • See powerful ideas come to life – a new publication presenting Cranfield’s entire range of offerings to business customers. You can download these from the intranet where you’ll also find details of how you can order printed copies – ‘Services’ tab > ‘Brand and Visual Identity Portal’ > ‘Materials to help you promote Cranfield’ . Making sure you use the latest versions also ensures we are CMA compliant (see page 31). Need promotional merchandise? If you’re looking for Cranfield branded give-aways or corporate gifts, we now have a single supplier, Allwag, offering a range of items. Stock items Creating print/digital items in our visual identity To ensure our visual identity has the impact we hope for, it is important that we apply it carefully according to our guidelines and brand architecture to ensure quality and consistency. We introduced the ‘Visual Identity Assurance Process' to help with this and support you in creating the materials that you need. Key points of contact • if you are in a School, you should contact your embedded marketing team • if you are in a Professional Service Unit you should contact the Brand Marketing Team – There’s more about the Visual Identity Assurance Process on the intranet – ‘Services’ tab > ‘Brand and Visual Identity Portal’ . These are held by Allwag in their warehouse and on receipt of a purchase order can be delivered within a couple of days. There is no minimum order for stock items. The stock items are: • pens (giveaway) • mugs • pens (boxed) • USBs • lanyards • keyrings • cotton bags • A4 zip folders • A5 and A6 notebooks • golf umbrellas. Approved items Approved items are products which have been tested to ensure they work with the new marques and assessed for quality. They are not held in stock so are produced on receipt of an order. Each item has a different lead time which you will need to take into consideration when placing an order. Approved items will be continually updated with new ideas. How to order If you would like access to the online ordering portal, please email to be set up as a user. Why a new supplier? Prior to tendering for our promotional goods, we were buying branded items from over 25 suppliers resulting in varying quality and value for money. The introduction of our new visual identity provided the perfect opportunity to review our supplier situation to ensure any new purchases align with the way we want to portray Cranfield to the world.
It’s been just over six months since we began rolling out our new visual identity and so far we have produced over 400 digital and printed items in our new look and feel, including this issue of Perspectives.
Transport Systems At a Glance
Vice-Chancellor’s Prize 2016 CranfieldUniversity
Water At a Glance
Graduation 2016
Foroutstandingmarks,dedicationandcontribution to theUniversity,wecongratulateEmmaSaunders, winnerof the inauguralVice-Chancellor’sPrize. Thursday7July
muchaspossible,whichhas led tomy roleas theOfficers’Mess EntertainmentsRepresentative. It’saprivilege tobe involvedanda reallygoodwayofmeetingpeople youwouldn’tusuallyhave the opportunity tomeet. Iattendeda lotof theadditional osteologysessions togetpractical hands-onexperienceof techniques required in thefieldofphysical anthropology.Shortlyafter I completedmymaster’s Iwent ondeployments toassist in the identificationofWWIandWWII casualtieswithRolandWessling andDrNicholasMarquez-Grant.”
“Theprize is fantastic, itmeans a lot tomeprofessionally, it’s great toknow that I’vebeen recognised formyachievements and Ihope itwillhelpmeenter into a researchcareeraftermyPhD. I'mparticularly interested inhow pathologicalconditionsaffect the skeletonandhope tocontinue into acareerwithin thisfield. I reallyenjoybeingatCranfield andon theShrivenhamcampus, I tried to integratemyselfas
“Theprize is fantastic, itmeansa lot tome professionally, it’sgreat toknow that I’vebeen recognised formyachievementsand Ihope itwill helpmeenter intoa researchcareeraftermyPhD. I'mparticularly interested inhowpathological conditionsaffect theskeletonandhope to continue intoacareerwithin thisfield.” EmmaSaunders, ForensicAnthropologyPhD,CranfieldUniversity,currentstudent ForensicArchaeologyandAnthropologyMSc,2015
Inour70thyear,Cranfield introduces theVice-Chancellor’s Prize - theonlyprizeawarded acrossallpostgraduate taught master'sdegreestudentsat the University.
“ Ourwateranddesigngroupsarepioneering thedeliveryof thecirculareconomy through leadership in technologyand innovation. Our futuregrowthareasare infrastructureand instrumentation.Wehavesecureda landmark nationalcapital investmentaspartof theUKCRIC groupofuniversities (theUKCollaboratorium for Research in Infrastructure&Cities) toestablish anumberof industrial-scale test facilities forsensing,monitoringandevaluating newandexistingwater infrastructures.
Our facilitiesattractcollaborative research Wehavesecured£19million to invest ina testenvironment for thedevelopmentof intelligent andautonomousvehicles tocomplementourmanyunique facilitiesdesigned toprovide large-scale researchenvironments.Theseworld-class facilitiesalso includehigh-performance wind tunnels,anoff-roadvehicledynamics facility,aCrash ImpactCentreandourAccident InvestigationLaboratory– theonlyoneof itskindoutside theUSA.
Withover50years’experience,wecoverallmodesofvehicles and transportacross technology,engineeringandmanagement includingsustainable transportand intelligentmobility.
Developing sustainable materials
Postgraduate Prospectus
OurCrash ImpactCentre is oneof three FIA-approved testcentres in theworld, crash testingFormulaOnecars. One infive ofall thepostgraduatestudents in theUKstudy for theirMSc inAutomotive Engineeringhere.
Top 40
World ranking for: Engineering -Mechanical, AeronauticalandManufacturing
2017 -2018
Weare investigating if thecellulose-based by-productsderived frompaper manufacturingwastecanbeusedas possible rawmaterials forproducts inother industries to reduce theirenvironmental footprint.Amillion tonnesofpapermill sludgewaste,whichcontainscellulose, is producedannually in theUKand ismainly used foragricultural fertiliser.
Researchproject Weare researchinghownanocrystalline cellulose (NCC)couldbeused tosubstitute conventionalmaterialsused indifferent products includingMDF (mediumdensity fibreboards),sound insulation,woodplastic composites,polymer reinforcementfillers, logisticspalletsandhardboards. “Although it is termedaswaste,during the research Iambeginning to realise thatoneman’s trash is trulyanother man’s treasureas there isasubstantial value in thepapermillwaste…weneed to bemorecreativeand rigorousat looking atnewwaysby-products fromone industrycouldbeused inanother.” CynthiaAdu ,Currentstudent,SustainableMaterials andManufacturingEngD
Thiswillbe linked toaBreakthrough Infrastructure InnovationHub, led byC4D (theCentre forCreative CompetitiveDesign).”
Research inaction
“ Cranfieldhasavastnetworkof connections– thesewere pivotal formegettingmy position in industry.Without
Drones forassisting inseriousandcomplex accident investigations We lead in theutilisationofnewand innovative drone technologywhichgivesus theedgewhen investigatingseriousaccidentsand incidents. Withanactiveairfieldandaccess todifferent formsofwreckage,wecanquicklystage accidentsites for research.Ourmodelling techniquesprovideaccurate,measurable3D imagesofaccidentsites.Theseopportunities combinewithongoing investigator training courses,so the lessons identifiedcanbe applied inalmost real-time.
doubt, this isafirst-class motorsportengineering experience .”
ProfessorPaulJeffrey DirectorofWater
JackChilvers, AdvancedMotorsport EngineeringMSc,2015
Thewastewater industry investsheavily in treatingand removing ‘contaminants’ fromwater.Butwithin thischemicalsoupareboth usefulandpreciousnutrients,saltsandmetalswhichhave realvalue formanufacturingandagriculture.Forexample, reliableand low-cost suppliesofphosphate rock,magnesiumandpotassiumchloride (Potash)are indemandamongmanufacturers;ammoniumsulphate canbeusedasa low-cost fertiliser -ofparticularbenefit fordeveloping countrieswhere theexpenseof fertilisers tends to limitquantities usedand theireffectiveness.
Harvesting value from chemicals in water AproposalbyDrEwanMcAdam toharvest re-usablechemicals from wastewaterhaswonamajorEuropeanResearchCouncilFrontier Researchaward -meaningfiveyears’of funding from2016and the opportunity tobuildaworld-leading teamand facilitiesatCranfield.The schemeattractsmore than3,500applicationseachyear,ofwhichonly around50 from thephysicalsciencesandengineeringare funded.
Building the future
Learnmoreabouthowour research impacts transportsystems
Autonomousvehicles testenvironment
Our researchwithJaguarLandRover, aspartofan£11millionUKGovernment investment inautonomousvehicles, is developingsystems forswitching from autonomous tohumandriving. “Thesecollaborativeprojects bringsomeof theUK’s leading academics together.” DrWolfgangEpple, DirectorofResearchandTechnology, JaguarLandRover
MUEAVI (Multi-UserEnvironment for AutonomousVehicle Innovation) A£9million ‘intelligentmobility’ research facilitywhich includesa ‘smart’ roadway is tobebuilton theCranfield campusbynextyearandwillbeused in thedevelopment ofautonomousvehiclesand theassociatedsystems needed to integrate technologies foradoption in toour day-to-day lives.Themileofsmart roadwillbeunique in that itwillbe integrated into thecampusandwillbecome a ‘live’ researchenvironment. Aerospace Integr tionResearchCentre (AIRC) Drawingon theexpertiseofCranfield’sexistingcentres ofexcellence, theAIRCwill fostercollaborationbetween industryandacademiaandprovidecapabilities comparablewith t leadingarospace facilitisacross Europeand theworld.TheAIRCopens later thisyear.
Recoveryand reuseof rawmaterialwithin thecirculareconomyhasbeenprojected to reducecostsamong Europe’smanufacturersbyasmuchas32%by2030and53%by2050.Ultimately theapproachalsomeans safer,cleanerwaterand lessenergyuse. Reclaiming the re-usablechemicals, though, isacomplexscientificchallenge.Membrane technology is used toencouragecrystallisationandcrystalgrowth,buthowcancrystalsbeseparated reliably from the membrane, ready for re-use?TheSCARCE (SustainableChemicalAlternatives forReuse in theCircular Economy)proposalsetsout thecase forfindingways tocontrol theprocessofseparation,andcritically, how theprocesscanbescaledup forwidespread industryuseoutsideof the labs.
DrMcAdamwillbe recruitingand leadinganew,experiencedand interdisciplinary, research team tostudy and test thebehavioursofcrystalsandhow theycanbestbeharvested.
26 Cranfield’sskylinehasundergonedramaticchangesover thepastyear in linewith theUniversity’smasterplan.Themasterplan laysout the principleswhichwillshape thedevelopmentofour facilitiesonour two campusesover thenext25years. AnnualReview
Facility forAirborneAtmospheric Measurements (FAAM)
ThenewCentrewillhelp tosupport industryandGovernment in thescienceand technologyofatmospheric releases,exposures and impacts. Glasshouse Ournewnine-metre-highglasshouseopened inSeptember. Ithas twoseparateclimatecontrolzones tobeable togrowandmonitor asignificantvarietyofcrops,usingstate-of-the-artsensorsona movableplatformwithin thebuilding.Thiswillmonitorgrowth, fertigation,weightandvariousother factors toenablevery accuratedatacollection. AbelBuilding AtShrivenham, theAbelBuilding isournewexplosive research facilitywithastate-of-the-art remoteprocessing facility for energeticcomposition. Itwillhost thenewCentreofExcellence in EnergeticMaterials (CoEEM)andwillbuildessential independent capability inpeople, research, training, testandevaluationand knowledgeexchange. 2015/2016
Annual Review
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CranfieldUniversity MK430AL,UK T:+44 (0)1234750111
Executive Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)
Your Health and Safety at Work and Study
Creating leaders in technologyandmanagement
Aguide forallemployeesandstudents at theCranfieldcampus
1 UK No.
Perspectives online: Intranet > 'Communications' > 'Perspectives'
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