Roads to Resilience
Relationships and Networks
Shared purpose and values • specifically plan for communication of the purpose and values of the organisation and details of risk management expectations • involve suppliers and contractors in resilience planning by formal and informal meetings and the open sharing of information • ensure that resilience is an expectation No-blame culture • embrace a no-blame supportive culture and consider the possible removal of penalty clauses from supplier contracts • encourage the reporting of near-miss incidents and adverse changes in circumstances by all stakeholders • establish procedures for the investigation of Open communication • specifically plan communication arrangements that will ensure the absence of a risk information ‘glass ceiling’ and ‘glass walls’ • establish an ‘open door’ culture to ensure effective communication with suppliers and others to explore any problems in advance of a crisis • share concerns openly with a strong focus on adverse developments that are open and fair and encourage participation by all relevant parties of suppliers and (as appropriate) assist customers in their resilience activities
risk communication, including formation of multi-discipline cross-function risk groups
Customer focus • encourage board members and top
management to experience the products / services from the customer point of view
• involve top management in discussions about the customer experience based on satisfaction surveys and other customer feedback • facilitate a brand / reputation risk assessment workshop to identify the risk to reputation and how brands can be protected and enhanced
Roads to Resilience: Building dynamic approaches to risk to achieve future success
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