Sales Essentials for Success Brochure
What will I get out of it?
Understand how to successfully grow the business and sales profitability; and how to build, manage and motivate your own team. The ability to determine what the optimal sales force looks like for your business, both now and in the future. A practical guide to holding sales meetings, quarterly business reviews and appraising your sales staff. Increased understanding of your customer or client base and how to maximise sales through focussing on key accounts, rising stars and ideal customers. Improved reliability and consistency of your sales forecasts through understanding your sales pipeline and improved qualification.
A sales budget and plan for your business for the following 12 months, a “who, what and when” sales action plan. KPI’s to help you know if you are having a good sales day and creating an actionable plan to ensure sales success. How to recruit excellent sales people, we will help you to avoid recruiting ineffective sales people ever again. How to set targets, incentivise your sales people with straight forward commission, bonus and on target earning schemes. A third development day 3 months after the programme to make sure you are on the right track.
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