THRIVE: Passion, Purpose, Performance
THRIVE: Passion, Purpose,
Performance Reconnect with your purpose and re-energise for the future
+44(0)1234 754500
“The THRIVE journey is about unlocking deep reserves of energy, passion and focus by aligning your purpose to your authentic self. We deliver a transformational experience that generates a renewed vitality for you, your organisation and those around you.” Chris Coghlan Programme Director
A deeply reflective and future-focused programme that offers a holistic approach to the successful leader’s question: What next? Using a broad spectrum of techniques, theories and experiences that will explore and challenge your current status quo, this programme will help you unlock the opportunity to thrive across all aspects of your life. By contemplating your inherent values, understanding how you inhabit your physical being, and appraising your behaviours, you will find a new sense of clarity for your future. A profound experience for leaders who want to re-calibrate their impact and bring a new sense of fulfilment to their lives.
+44(0)1234 754500
Who is this for The programme is designed for established senior leaders who want to find fresh inspiration and energy to take on new challenges: • Reignite their motivation and focus to propel the next phase of their career. • Explore a deeper understanding of the human experience and how to flourish in a world of complexity, change and ambiguity. • Reflect deeply on their personal identity and behaviours to stimulate a transformational experience. • Nurture themselves and their people to achieve holistic success and fulfilment. • Champion the importance of organisational wellbeing and influence organisational culture in a positive way. • Evaluate their contributions to shape a meaningful legacy in their life. THRIVE offers a unique approach for leaders who want to;
+44(0)1234 754500
What you’ll learn
During the THRIVE programme you will establish a personal platform that creates the foundation of sustainable high performance. You will learn how to manage your energy for maximum impact, redirecting it in line with your values and purpose, enhancing your vitality, and rekindling your enthusiasm. You will discover how to introduce and maintain positive habits, routines and practices, and understand the importance of setting personal boundaries in your life. The power of relationships will be explored in depth, enabling you to strengthen and build more meaningful connections with people. THRIVE offers a unique opportunity to explore the art and science of personal sensemaking, with a deep dive into self-enquiry. As you develop your cognitive evaluation of what it is to live a good life, you will enhance your wellbeing and make a more impactful contribution in every area of your life.
+44(0)1234 754500
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Programme Impact For you
THRIVE will help you navigate towards a path of sustainable high performance in your professional, personal and physical circumstances.
The programme will help you to:
• Find ways to achieve fulfilment, purpose and passion in your life. • Manage your energy aligned to what really matters to you. • Establish positive habits and behaviours that will have a long-lasting impact on your energy and performance. • Learn to take charge of your own wellbeing and find innovative ways to address mid-life challenges with a toolkit of practical skills and knowledge. • Identify and address habits that reduce your optimum performance.
• Explore your evolving identity and support an inner transformation that will move you forwards. • Feel empowered to bring your whole self to every part of your life that matters to you. • Embrace a deep encounter with yourself which will connect you with the natural world and offer a visceral, emotional and intellectual experience. • Network with other senior leaders and engage with a cohort of peers who will enhance your experiential learning.
+44(0)1234 754500
For your organisation During the programme leaders will find a different perspective that generates a new vision of both themselves and their organisation for the future.
Your senior leaders will:
• Return refreshed and re-energised, with a renewed sense of engagement and self-awareness. • Understand and value the importance of human performance and how to reinforce a positive performance culture. • Bring a more agile and creative mindset to business strategy, challenges and solutions. • Embrace their ‘human advantage’ in the context of a complex and changing world, where enterprise evolution demands compassionate leadership.
• Manage relationships with a deeper awareness and bring more meaningful connection to stakeholder, colleague and customer communications. • Learn how to implement the THRIVE methodology within their organisation, supported by the ‘THRIVE: in the Workplace’ guide that offers practical tools and techniques to create wellbeing at work. • Benefit from a rigorous, evidence-based programme using the latest insights and research from Cranfield and other institutions in the fields of leadership and performance.
+44(0)1234 754500
Module structure
Live online launch
2 hrs
1-2-1 lifestyle coaching
60 mins
Module 1: Leading with energy
2.5 days Residential
Hot topics webinar
1-2-1 professional coaching
2 hrs
Module 2: Passion, purpose and performance
60 mins
1-2-1 coaching feedback
2.5 days
60 mins
Closing event
3 hours
+44(0)1234 754500
What you’ll experience THRIVE offers a holistic psychological, physiological and philosophical experience in which you will step out of your world for a few days in order to recalibrate, reset and refresh. The programme incorporates innovative techniques designed to recharge depleted energy levels. Advanced medical wearable technologies are used to help you understand your health, and the powers of the natural world are explored as a catalyst for change during an intense, experiential immersion day. Throughout the programme you will explore your life through a different lens, and consider how new ways of thinking can lead to greater wellbeing with: • Neuroscience and psychology, • Re-thinking stress, • Philosophy and purpose, • Meditation - the importance of being vs doing, • Essential elements - food, movement, sleep and nature. • Delivered by experts in applied psychology and underpinned by robust evidence-based research. • B uilt on the legacy of the Cranfield Praxis Centre, delivering innovative leadership development programmes that are grounded in organisational reality for over 40 years. • Cranfield’s inspirational, ground-breaking and person-centred approach to learning has earned us a global reputation for impact by using experiential and unique learning techniques. • Medical grade wearables to support energy management and physiological insights. • Rural location in the heart of the English countryside offers opportunity for reflection and contemplation in the natural environment. Unique programme features
+44(0)1234 754500
Programme Director
Chris Coghlan With a background in sports science, education and executive development, Chris brings a unique approach to leadership, encouraging leaders to look beyond conventional strategies and techniques, and to question mainstream beliefs that influence our performance. He integrates philosophy, positive psychology and individual metabolic health data into holistic programmes that offers each participant a unique experience.
Inspired by our natural environment, Chris offers a thought-provoking and impactful toolkit to help leaders work towards optimal performance, with a focus on creating, supporting and managing their energy to better leverage the ‘human advantage’. By combining the latest research on nutrition, movement, stress and sleep with Cranfield’s academic research, thought leadership and executive education expertise, he delivers powerful experiential and transformational development programmes for leaders. In his role as Executive Development Director at Cranfield, Chris works across a range of sectors and industries, in organisations including Kier, Alpine F1, ATOS and Helios Towers. He holds a BSc in Sports Science, a PGCE and is a National Academy of Sports Medicine qualified Personal Trainer as well as an NLP practitioner. Chris is an Ambassador for the Public Health Collaboration who research and promote holistic health through ‘real food’.
+44(0)1234 754500
What next?
For you: The THRIVE Retreat A three-day inspirational retreat to a remote location, offering the opportunity to deeply reconnect with your inner purpose. This intense and reflective retreat is designed to offer a profoundly transformative experience that will leave a lasting imprint on your being. For your organisation: The THRIVE Masterclass A customised masterclass delivered to your wider leadership team, designed to tackle specific organisational issues and challenges. This is an opportunity for you to embed the learnings and insights from the programme within your organisation by inducting your colleagues into the concept of THRIVE, with the aim of providing a platform for a positive shift in organisational culture.
To book your THRIVE place contact: Cranfield Executive Development team Tel: +44 (0)1234 754500 Email:
For more information visit:
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