THRIVE: Passion, Purpose, Performance Brochure

What next?

For you: The THRIVE Retreat A three-day inspirational retreat to a remote location, offering the opportunity to deeply reconnect with your inner purpose. This intense and reflective retreat is designed to offer a profoundly transformative experience that will leave a lasting imprint on your being. For your organisation: The THRIVE Masterclass A customised masterclass delivered to your wider leadership team, designed to tackle specific organisational issues and challenges. This is an opportunity for you to embed the learnings and insights from the programme within your organisation by inducting your colleagues into the concept of THRIVE, with the aim of providing a platform for a positive shift in organisational culture.

To book your THRIVE place contact: Cranfield Executive Development team Tel: +44 (0)1234 754500 Email:

For more information visit:

+44(0)1234 754500



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