THRIVE: Passion, Purpose, Performance
What you’ll experience THRIVE offers a holistic psychological, physiological and philosophical experience in which you will step out of your world for a few days in order to recalibrate, reset and refresh. The programme incorporates innovative techniques designed to recharge depleted energy levels. Advanced medical wearable technologies are used to help you understand your health, and the powers of the natural world are explored as a catalyst for change during an intense, experiential immersion day. Throughout the programme you will explore your life through a different lens, and consider how new ways of thinking can lead to greater wellbeing with: • Neuroscience and psychology, • Re-thinking stress, • Philosophy and purpose, • Meditation - the importance of being vs doing, • Essential elements - food, movement, sleep and nature. • Delivered by experts in applied psychology and underpinned by robust evidence-based research. • B uilt on the legacy of the Cranfield Praxis Centre, delivering innovative leadership development programmes that are grounded in organisational reality for over 40 years. • Cranfield’s inspirational, ground-breaking and person-centred approach to learning has earned us a global reputation for impact by using experiential and unique learning techniques. • Medical grade wearables to support energy management and physiological insights. • Rural location in the heart of the English countryside offers opportunity for reflection and contemplation in the natural environment. Unique programme features
+44(0)1234 754500
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