Talent Development Programme Brochure

Programme details

1. Gain the confidence needed to lead and and create impact, 2. Develop your strategic focus, ensuring you align activities to business strategy, 3. Increase your understanding of decision making, organisational politics and social dynamics, 4. Acquire a range of tools to drive self-empowerment and innovation, 5. Increase collaboration within your organisation to drive performance. 6. Implement bottom-up change capability so you can influence at all levels of your function. Join emerging leaders from corporate, mid-market and family firms across a wide range of industries, as you explore the business navigate and take a deep dive into leadership and what it means to lead. Over 12 months, you will learn new skills, examine your reality, self-leadership, and explore concepts and how to apply them, ultimately enabling you to:

Programme architecture

Programme structure

Personal development

Access to learning

Module one

Module two

First review Second review

Development discussion

Coaching session

Coaching session

Personal and professional growth - online Approx. 8 hours

Awareness and development of business leadership skills - face-to-face Five day residential

Awareness and development of organisational and interpersonal leadership

Six month progress review - face-to-face/hybrid One day

12-month progress review - face-to-face/hybrid One day

skills - face-to-face Five day residential

Business simulation

Strategic business challenge

Individual business project

Business development


+44(0)1234 754500



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