The Female FTSE Board Report 2017
The Female FTSE Board Report 2017
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The main data from the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 listings and the figures in this report were taken from BoardEx on 3rd October 2017. The 2017 data in the ten year trend analysis were taken fromBoardEx on 1st September 2017. There are slight differences in these figures due to two companies (Prudential Financial, Royal Mail) leaving the FTSE 100 and two companies (Berkeley Group, NMC Health) joining during that period. The interviews with the board evaluation advisers were initially set up with the help of Denise Wilson, CEO of the Hampton-Alexander Report. We are very grateful to her and all the advisers who took part in the study in September and October 2017.
With grateful thanks to Dr Valentina Battista for her time and efforts in collating the FTSE data.
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