Women in Leadership

WIL 1 Programme Agenda – Face to Face Athens

Monday 19 th June

Tuesday 20 th June

Wednesday 21 st June

Thursday 23 rd June

Friday 24 th June

0900 Welcome day 1

0900 Reflection on the previous evening

0900 Strategic influence: beyond team and functional roles

0830 Reflect on learning from previous evening

Getting to know one another

Hurdles facing women day to day at work

Power and influence

Developing the idea of a leadership brand: intro to PLC

Myths of women and leadership

Impression management

Travel to Athens (arrival by 3 pm)

Putting the learning into a leadership context

Gendered cultures

Circle – summarising essence of the programme

How to manage key promotion and performance reviews

Being seen as women in leadership

Reminder leadership mindset

Moving further along the path led by CCH

16:00 : informal welcome & networking coffee

Debrief interviews

Leadership – individual leader focus

12.30 programme closes

17.00 Welcome

13.00 Lunch

13.00 Lunch

13.00 Lunch

13.00 Lunch (optional)

The path ahead

Leadership – collaborative leadership focus

E mbodying leadership

WIL Team Welcome by CCH

Where am I in my life

Prepare for evening's activities Acropolis Tour (optional)

Resilience for leadership and career progression

Career stages

18.00 welcome cocktail & discovering Greece

Career satisfaction and career interviews exercise

Making effective use of role models

19.00-21.00 Dinner Group dinner

17.00 Close Session

17.00 Close session

17.00 Close session

18:30 – 19:30 Fireside chat with guests

Free Evening

From 19.00 Conversations over formal dinner with guests

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