Advancing Leadership Practice - For talented women

Advancing Leadership Practice

For talented women in leadership roles

Programme journey

11 Dec

16 Nov

24-26 Oct



17 or 18 Oct

12-24 Oct

Live online launch

Group Coaching 2

Live online

Group Coaching 1

Self paced learning

Reconnecting and reflecting Celebrate success


Reflecting on your leadership journey and empowering your future Navigating your work environment Creating your future

Peer insights and coaching facilitation Deep dive into individual career lifelines - establishing career goals, developing strategies for progression, overcoming traps and barriers

Being at the table: Leadership presence Impact and Influence Embodying leadership. A series of active exercises drawing on the experience of professional theatre and the principles of great performance

Women in leadership

Conversation with an admired Senior Leader in ADNOC on how they have managed their career and advice for working at more senior levels Articles

Assessing what is the leader I want to become Being an authentic and empowered leader

Outline Introduction Positioning of the programme Importance of role models Briefing of interviews with Senior Leaders

Pulling together the journey we have all made What I bring to leadership and the future of ADNOC The next step on my journey Committing to action

Core content  Doing leadership differently as a woman,  The career anchors that drive your career,  Political skills and networking in organisations to develop social capital,  Impression management to maximise visibility,  Creating and maintaining resilience and well-being as a female leader,  Peer mentoring.

Programme objectives What will you get out of it

 An opportunity to step back and consider what you need to do to ensure your leadership practice is tailored to your organisation and to your personal context.  Understand the different stages of women's’ careers, where you are in those stages and the particular issues you face.  A unique opportunity to differentiate gender issues and organisational issues in your context through working with a group of women managers experiencing similar challenges – where do we as women need to change and what needs to change in organisation practices and culture for women to advance.  A safe space in which to develop your leadership brand.  A network of female leaders in ADNOC to work with and support you in the future.

Our learning philosophy: Three fields of learning embedded in context are needed for meaningful development.

Design for Impact™

Timetable – 24 to 26 October Day 1 Reflecting on your leadership journey and empowering your future Day 2

Day 3 Creating your future

Navigating your work environment

ADNOC VIP’s – Strategic value of this initiative Aims and overview of the programme, with specific focus on this module, Review of Impact drivers 1. Energy and attention mapping in relation to your role. 2. Debriefing conversations with Senior leaders in terms or learning and take-away for their development

Review of Day 1 – what resonated with you from yesterday; Review of impact drivers 5. Gendered cultures 6.Hurdles facing women everyday in the workplace

Review of Day 2 – what resonated with you from yesterday; Review of impact drivers 9. Leading authentically – introducing your unique leadership contribution

-Managing feedback -Building resilience - Work life balance

10. Being seen as a woman leader - Impression management - Developing visibility

Lunch and prayer break

Lunch and prayer break

Lunch and prayer break

3. Women’s career stages - A relational perspective on shaping a career 4. Identifying what are my career anchors in terms of strengths, values and motivators Learning Log entry

7. How to be wise at politics - Practising politics in different scenarios 8. Building a network - Social network

11. Peer Mentoring – One challenging situation I need help with 12. Sharing what I am taking away today Share one thing from learning log and one

-Personal board of directors -Internal and external contact Learning Log entry

commitment to action 1500 – programme close

Faculty biographies

Professor Sue Vinnicombe, CBE Susan's research interests focus on the lack of women in leadership and specifically on corporate boards, women's leadership behaviours and the issues involved in women developing their executive careers. Susan was Founder Director of the Cranfield International Centre for Women Leaders from 1999 to 2016 and the Deloitte Ellen Gabriel Endowed Chair in Women's Leadership at Simmons College, Boston, USA from 2013-2016. She and her co-authors produce the annual Female FTSE Board Report, which she launched in 1999 and is regarded as the premier research resource on women directors in the UK and is renowned globally. She has written ten books and over one hundred articles, reports and conference papers. Susan receives regular recognition worldwide and was honoured in 2016 by the International Women's Forum as a woman who has "Made a Difference" in the world and become a Companion of the Chartered Institute of Management in the UK. Susan was also named in the HR Magazine Most Influential Thinkers, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 and has been inducted into the Thinkers50 Management Hall of Fame in 2021 (founded in 2009, the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame honours the legacy of an elite group of thinkers whose work has had a profound and lasting influence on the world of management). Susan has been presented with the Richard Whipp Lifetime Achievement Award by the British Academy of Management. She was a member of The Lord Davies Steering Committee on Women on Boards between 2010 and 2015 and a member of the Advisory Board of the Sir Philip Hampton/Dame Helen Alexander Review on the lack of women in the executive pipeline 2016-2021 and that of Sir John Parker’s Review of the lack of ethnicity on FTSE 100 boards.

Susan was awarded an OBE for her Services to Diversity in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List in 2005 and subsequently awarded a CBE for her Services to Gender Equality in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2014.

Dr Manjari Prashar Manjari is an executive level facilitator and executive coach bringing an intersectional and cross-cultural lens to her work. Manjari works with individuals to help shape personal career journeys that embrace authenticity, visibility and confident action towards self-defined progression. She has an expertise in facilitating individual and group discussions to identify barriers and forge a purpose-driven path to success. Manjari worked with Delta Alpha Psi at organisations such as Black Women in Asset Management, British Black Business Awards, EY’s gender and race/ethnicity programmes and 100 Black Women Professors Now. She has contributed to the award-winning Linklaters Women’s Leadership Programme for accelerating female talent for over 10 years. She has coached executives at HSBC through Cranfield’s Customised Executive Development team. Manjari is a visiting fellow at the Gender, Leadership and Inclusion centre at Cranfield’s School of Management. She regularly lectures on Inclusive Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management modules. She also contributes to research, including research related to the Parker Review of ethnicity on boards. She has an MBA from McGill University and a PhD from Cranfield School of Management. Her experience as an account manager at the Bank of Montreal and Scotiabank, and communications consultant at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) grounds her in the everyday realities of work. Manjari is pursuing a Professional Certification in Executive Coaching at Henley Business School and has completed a course in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Manjari has lived and worked in India, Canada, United States, France, and UK. She speaks English, French, and Hindi.

Diana Theodores Dr Diana Theodores is a Leadership performance coach, specializing in Authentic Voice and Presence for Influence. She is author of the Amazon bestseller, Performing As YOU: how to have authentic impact in every role you play – for women leaders, and an award-winning keynote speaker . Applying her 25 years of experience from the theatre stage to the business stage, Diana’s message is that “If all the world’s a stage, the greatest role you ever get to play is you." In her uniquely dynamic coaching work worldwide, Diana invites leaders into their personal rehearsal room to ignite their full presence, voice, impact & influence. The result is greater engagement, inspiration, and fulfilment. Diana works with C-Suite leaders in diverse industries including Executive Recruitment, Banking, Private Equity, Insurance, Building and Construction, Technology, Aircraft, Energy, Retail, Sports, Media, and Academia. A native of New York, Diana resides in London and is Director of the training consultancy, Theatre 4 Business Ltd. She holds a PhD in Theatre Arts, Trinity College Dublin, and is a certified coach from the NLP and Coaching Institute of California. At the Cranfield School of Management, Diana is Programme Director for the executive Impact & Influence programme, attracting a consistent 5-star rating from clients . She is Senior Consultant for Presence and Presentation with Mobius Executive Leadership in the USA and Europe. You can find Diana’s podcasts, interviews, and articles in Linked In, New Business, Forbes, Business Life, the BBC World Business Journal, We Are the City, The Smart Manager and many other media.

Why Cranfield

Cranfield’s expertise in Women in Leadership

Cranfield is home to the International Centre for Women Business leaders (now Gender and Leadership Inclusion Centre). The Centre was established by Professor Susan Vinnicombe in 1999. At the time we were shocked by how few women managed to get promoted into serious leadership positions in organisations, despite the fact that women did better at school and university than men and entered work in equal numbers to men. We have focused our research on why this is the case, covering such issues as why women lack social capital, the myth of meritocracy, the problem of international assignments, the masculine language used in job adverts, the differences between how women and men use role models, the challenge of identity at work, impression management, why women find politics difficult, how women are disadvantaged in interviews, gendered cultures and the implications for women. Our executive development work lies at the interface of gender diversity (and diversity more generally) and talent management. We are specifically focused on the issues involved in the successful promotion of women stuck in the middle and senior levels of their organisations. Our approach is distinctive in that we are less interested in personal development per se, but rather in seeing women getting promoted into these top jobs. Professor Vinnicombe is author of the Female FTSE Women on Boards report (an annual report which pioneered the measurement of the number of women on our top FTSE boards in 1999 and continues). The latest report will be launched on the 7th October 2021 and focuses on the need for companies to take female talent management more seriously by identifying high potential females early on in their careers and developing them for promotion. Professor Kim Turnbull James specialises in executive learning and leadership. She ran first the women leaders programme in the UK, a government sponsored initiative, and has worked with women’s leadership programmes at Cranfield for many years, both in company and open programmes. As a professor in leadership her interest lies in how can women identify what they bring to organisational leadership, demonstrate and articulate their contributions so they are recognised as ready for senior leadership roles.

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