Aircraft electrification
%TCPƓGNFũU INQDCN researchairport
Multi-User Environment for
&KIKVCN CKT VTCHƓE control centre
Autonomous Vehicle +PPQXCVKQP /7'#8+ This instrumented transport corridor runs through the middle of the campus and is used for the development of intelligent and autonomous vehicles. 6HQVRUV LQFOXGH OLGDU ODVHU VFDQQHUV that can measure distance), radar that can detect pedestrians and cyclists at up to 200 metres, and thermal imaging cameras.
Runway sensors :LOO PRQLWRU DLU TXDOLW\ VRLO PRLVWXUH temperature and noise levels, including sound from wildlife. Other sensors will DOORZ PRQLWRULQJ RI ZDWHU TXDOLW\ DQG OHYHOV and runway and ground movements around the airport.
Off-road autonomous vehicle test area
%TCPƓGNF 'CING .CD Aviation technology accelerator for start up companies.
̴6PDUW̵ FDU SDUN connected to MUEAVI
Digital Aviation Research and 6GEJPQNQI[ %GPVTG .G% $ XQLTXH FHQWUH DGGUHVVLQJ WKH JOREDO FKDOOHQJHV of digital systems integration across aviation.
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