Building resilience and capability: Shaping the future of Morgan Sindall Construction
Phase four
An expert’s perspective Professor Joe Nellis Economy
I remember the two days with Morgan Sindall very well. They were two of the best that I’ve had with any organisation I’ve worked with. They were incredibly engaged, very interactive, and demanding in a positive way. There was a real sense of achievement, understanding and teamwork. It was one of those modules where you look back and think: ‘That’s why I’m doing this job’. The impression I get is that Morgan Sindall is a very strong company which has people working for it that are excellent and ambitious, willing to stretch their aims and objectives. I came away from our sessions feeling really good about the fact we were working with them. These weren’t people attending ‘just another workshop’ they had been told to go on, there was no sense of that whatsoever. They were busy people who knew they were giving up valuable time but were prepared to give the process 100% You ask anybody how important the economy is to business and they will say, without exception: ‘Very important’. But not a lot of people understand the economy. Bridging that gap is essential for managers at any level, but especially those aspiring to be senior leaders. You can’t run away from the economy; it’s a fact of life. You also can’t change or manage the economy – but you can respond. Imagine you’re standing on a railway track. A train is coming towards you fast, but you can’t see it yet. How do you know it’s coming? You look for early
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