Essential Management brochure

Programme details

During the programme you will work with other senior managers to develop your manager’s toolkit. This programme is based on over 35 years of experience working with owner-managers and senior teams in SME’s. It provides you with the tools and confidence required to drive enhanced business performance through individuals and teams.

Module one

Module two

Strategy - your business purpose, understanding customers’ perspectives and their perceived value, and competitor analysis. Sales and Marketing - understanding your sales PIN, effective marketing, effective sales channels and utilising your customers to drive profitable sales. Finance - understanding financial language, statements, margins, working capital and business processes. Time - understanding and managing use of time, and aligning organisational culture. Develop a project plan using the tools acquired on Module one which demonstrates sustainable, measurable, positive value to their business.

Recruitment - the importance of effective recruitment and the process from job description to hiring. Strategy - business process improvement, as well as understanding and managing risk. Leadership - managing by objectives and understanding the behaviour of others. Finance - what information is needed for management, effective KPI structure, and setting SMART objectives to improve performance. Managing Change - implementing new business techniques, the change process and its effective, positively and negatively.


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