General Management Portfolio
Our distinctive approach to leadership development for those in or approaching general management roles combines breadth of business knowledge with depth of personal insight. Each of our three programmes offer a comprehensive and integrated personal development experience for managers at critical transition points in their leadership career. This substantial development not only enables new levels of personal and business effectiveness in the short term, but also creates the capability for sustained development into the future. Comprehensive leadership development to take your career to the next level
Each programme cultivates: • An external perspective on functions, business and industries that stimulates new thinking. • A general management perspective that enables cross-business collaboration. • A personal perspective which balances managerial accountability for current performance with leadership responsibility for future direction, development and performance. • Strategic frameworks and tools that enable and prompt strategic insight. • Understanding of top-down and bottom-up change, how to lead and how to deliver it. • A mindset that accepts the conflicts and challenges of complex and changing organisational and business circumstances as the new normal. • A plan to accelerate personal growth and drive change in the business. • A personal inventory of leadership capabilities, delivered in partnership with MU, a pioneer in the predictive assessment of people.
Developing leaders at all levels who:
• Understand where and how to focus time and attention to add greatest value. • Approach organisational conflict, politics and relationships constructively. • Build high performance executive, management, functional, project, matrix and virtual teams. • Cultivate organisational cultures which enable strategy, change and agility. • Develop people and nurture talent. • Engage and empower others. +44 (0)1234 754500
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