High Performance Leadership Brochure

High Performance Leadership Transformational strategies to unlock new leadership perspectives


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“I’ve got a far better sense of who I am as a leader, and the value that I bring to the organisation. I’m a far more reflective leader now than I was before, and I understand more about the nature of leadership.” Chris Poulter Deputy Director of People Transformation Ministry of Defence


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Cultivate a high-impact mindset

Senior leaders hone their skillset through experience and hard work, but often develop a personal narrative which masks their full potential. The High Performance Leadership programme takes you on a deep dive into self-awareness, breaking down the barriers that have been holding you back and elevating your expectation of what is possible. Through experimentation, self-examination and reflection you will expand your leadership mindset and explore new skills, new attitudes, and new ways of being as a leader. This evolution in your leadership journey brings into focus your intention, purpose and values, and propels you forward with confidence and self-belief. You will learn how to leverage your strengths and trust in your soft skills to become a powerful enabler, facilitator and orchestrator as you develop new leadership perspectives. You will examine yourself through holistic models and frameworks, uncover hidden aspects of your leadership capability, and identify and address unhelpful behaviours and beliefs. As you explore your past challenges and successes, you will achieve a deep understanding of yourself and an awareness of what is holding you back, what you can let go of, what stands in your way, and what is inspiring you to become an exceptional leader.

Who should attend Directors and senior managers aspiring to C-level who:

• Have mastered business fundamentals and are ready to develop their full leadership potential, • Recognise they can step away from reliance on expertise to explore a new leadership identity, • Want to evaluate their current strategies and experiment with new ways of leading.


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What you will learn The High Performance Leadership programme will develop your mindset by exploring your beliefs and challenging you to appraise how they serve you. Through guided self-reflection you will bring invisible obstacles into focus, and examine how established thoughts and behaviours may be either enhancing or inhibiting your performance. You will: • Develop a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader, where your brilliance lies and where you hold yourself back, • Gain improved agility in your leadership behaviours and practices to meet unplanned challenges, • Be ready to embrace change and uncertainty, and feel comfortable with ambiguity, • Refresh your interpersonal communication skills and attitudes, that lie at the heart of high performance leadership, • Build strong engagement and trust with all your stakeholders through listening and empathy, • Feel more confident and self-assured in your leadership abilities.

“It’s been a rollercoaster of enlightenment, learning and enrichment both professionally and personally. I’ve learned to refine my leadership style, and that’s going to empower my team.” Mark Evans Business Director EMEA, INOLEX GmbH


+44(0)1234 754500



The High Performance Leadership programme has been an absolutely fantastic experience, more than I could have hoped for, and it’s transformed my perspective on leadership. Danielle Viall General Counsel, Legal Services Board


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Programme structure

The programme is designed to deepen your awareness of your own context within your emerging business environment, and you will develop insight into how you inhabit your own role in a dynamic way. Spread over six months, with two residential modules at Cranfield campus and inter-modular activities, the programme is evidence-based and incorporates advanced leadership models, extensive coaching opportunities and a personal leadership impact assignment. Both modules fully engage your mind, body and heart in an experience that is designed to be challenging, but also incredibly supportive.

“I have a renewed confidence to lead authentically and connect more empathetically with my team.” Richard Frith Head of Vehicle Performance, Alpine Racing Ltd


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Programme experience tailored to you

Your context and challenges are unique. As you begin to apply your learnings, your experience and the value that you gain will naturally be tailored to you.

Your journey will focus on two integrated and connected paths; you as a leader, and your organisational leadership context.

You as a leader Doing, being, thinking • Going beyond the emphasis on ‘doing’ to encompass how you show up in your leadership role, the shadow you cast and how you think more widely and strategically when making decisions. Cerebral, emotional and visceral • Work on yourself. Access a deeper level of awareness of how you can strengthen your emotional, social, and political intelligence so that you convey authenticity in your leadership approach.

Your organisational context Understand and explore the dynamics of your leadership context, and how you integrate, shape and influence that context. Consider potential challenges and how you can navigate your organisational context effectively and successfully.


+44(0)1234 754500



“Clare [Amos] is an extremely inspiring and wonderful tutor. Truly insightful, authentically caring and clearly deeply experienced, she has a unique style that made the High Performance Leadership programme a remarkably enriching experience.” Kirstie Langan Business Development Director, PDi


+44(0)1234 754500



Programme leaders

Clare Amos Clare is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and a Chartered Coaching Psychologist with over twenty-five years consultancy experience. She is Programme Director of the High Performance Leadership Programme and is also a Visiting Faculty in Leadership Development at Cranfield Executive Development. With a sharp focus on enhancing her client’s performance and self-belief, Clare’s approach is underpinned by robust and contemporary psychological thinking, complemented by a pragmatic, empathic and challenging approach. Clare’s work in leadership development is rooted in her experience that achieving better individual performance for senior executives is predominately a function of psychology. Consequently, she uses both psychological tools and personal insight to enable her clients to articulate and change psychological processes that form a barrier to great performance. Clare has worked with senior executives and management teams across a range of industries, including public and private sector, within the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Asia including Qatar Petroleum, North Oil Company, HS2, MOD, Costain Engineering, Vistry Partnerships, The Civil Service, The National Audit Office, NFUM and the NHS. She has also spent time working with sports teams, most notably with the FA. Andy Harmer Andy is an organisation development consultant who specialises in transformational leadership development and culture change. Working with Cranfield Executive Development and the School of Management, he brings his considerable expertise to the High Performance Leadership programme. By enriching his deep experience of experiential learning with the principles of vertical and horizontal development, Andy has gained extensive skill, confidence and expertise In his practice as consultant, facilitator and executive coach since 1998, with experience in developing international leaders across a wide range of industry sectors. He is inspired to help people to be the best they can be, and to realise their personal and leadership potential. He has deep experience in: organisational development, culture change, organisation analysis, leader and leadership development, process design, c-suite team development, executive coaching and virtual facilitation. Andy has a track record of leading large-scale and global, award-winning culture transformation and leadership development programmes for clients such as OSRAM, Barclays, MBDA, UNFAO and Unilever; UK projects include Highways England, Humberside Police, the Welsh Government, the UK MOD, Bauder, BMW and the British and Irish Lions Rugby Team. Andy has facilitated learning in the US, Thailand, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Finland and throughout the UK, working with leaders and teams at all levels from board members downwards.


+44(0)1234 754500




World-class facilitation design

Being in the top 1% of global business schools that are triple-accredited, our facilitators are world-class experts in deep personal transformation for executive leaders. At Cranfield we believe that truly great leaders need to develop themselves beyond traditional leadership theory, and that exceptional leadership can be nurtured in even the most experienced of leaders. The High Performance Leadership programme draws on the latest research to focus on the intangibles that will transform you into a powerfully effective and unique leader.

To book contact: Cranfi eld Executive Development team Tel: +44 (0)1234 754500 Email: execdev@cranfield.ac.uk

For more information visit: www.cranfield.ac.uk/som/hpl


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Learning and courses for the decade ahead.

Our business development team are waiting to talk to you. T: +44 (0)1234 754500

E: execdev@cranfield.ac.uk www.cranfield.ac.uk/som/hpl

The solution described in this document is provide by Cranfield Management Development Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cranfield University.

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Version 2. June 2023.

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