Services 4.0: Servitisation Strategy and Engineering Services Brochure
What you will gain from this programme: • Learn and apply the latest thinking in servitisation strategy and Industry 4.0 technologies. • Understand how your organisation can exploit the opportunity to think more in terms of service and holistic solutions. • Learn tools and techniques for developing effective, service‑led strategies, incorporating Industry 4.0 technologies. • Translate service‑led strategies into implementation action plans, including the challenge of cultural change. • Develop new skills for managing key organisational and business processes for service‑oriented models, including processes for customer engagement and supply chain management.
What your organisation will gain: • Development of a data‑driven business model to maximise value and significantly impact the performance of your organisation. • Capability to transform products into a genuine revenue making asset and sustain growth by using Industry 4.0 technologies. • Development of a competitive service‑led strategy that generates additional revenue streams for your organisation. • Increased capability to collaborate with third parties along your value chain to gain a competitive advantage for all involved. • Competitive advantage by delivering better service, improvements in product performance, and reduced costs.
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