The Need for Organisational Resilience - Chapter 4
To what extent does your work unit adhere to Centralisation or Decentralisation? For each item, select one box only that best reflects your conclusion.
We see ‘front-line’ employees as replaceable
We invest in ‘front-line’ people’s response repertoire and leadership development Everybody is considered a leader
Rank and status defines who is defined a leader We value hierarchy over experience
We value experience over rank
We are task- oriented
Intent- orientation is most important
We are made compliant to carry out tasks, irrespective of a set intent We defer to those with
Tasks are executed
according to the intent set
We defer to those most competent
greater rank or status
Scoring: If your answers tend to the left, you are pursuing a more traditional, centralised approach to decision making. If your answers are more on the right, the concept of decentralisation - mission-oriented - seems paramount to your ways of working.
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