The Need for Organisational Resilience - Chapter 7
To what extent does your work unit foster constructive conflict as a trigger to (re)define resilience? For each item, select one box only that best reflects your conclusion.
Because we respect rank and status, we restrain ourselves from confrontation We tend not to be challenged We are confident that we are not vulnerable to the external environment We focus on a very narrow definition of resilience (see Figure 7.1) We are unaware of paradoxical tensions between opposing poles of resilience (see Figure 7.1) We don’t know how to reconcile opposing poles of resilience in our daily
We are free to explore contrary views
We have dedicated red teaming exercises in our organisation We are aware of our vulnerabilities to the external environment We tend to focus on more than one dimension of resilience (see Figure 7.1) We are aware of paradoxical tensions between opposing poles of resilience (see Figure 7.1)
We understand how to reconcile
opposing poles of resilience in our daily work (see Figure 7.1)
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