Centre for Strategic Marketing and Sales

Our approach Our programmes are designed around your specific needs. Our starting point is to understand the impact you are seeking to achieve. What is happening in your organisation? How will this learning programme contribute to the achievement of your strategy? What do your people need to be able to do differently?

We partner you with an Executive Development Director (EDD) from our strategic marketing and sales team.

The EDD works closely with you, from discovery and design, through delivery to evaluation, on learning programmes that are uniquely created to meet your objectives. The EDD ensures that together we meet the impact expectations of a complex group of your stakeholders, including senior sponsors, line managers and participants. Masterships At Cranfield, we’re passionate about providing education tailored for industry. As one of the first universities in the UK to offer degree apprenticeships at master’s level, we understand what is required to develop industry- led apprenticeship standards, and have the expertise to deliver that training.

With our distinctive focus on technology and management we’re uniquely positioned to provide training that goes beyond the technical to create and develop leaders for the future.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our Masterships™ portfolio, or would like to talk to us about the development of a new apprenticeship standard in strategic marketing and sales, please contact Noreen Munnelly.

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